Wednesday 18 July 2012

The same as previously

Only with a little less blood. I mean paint. Yeah, totally meant paint. Yes, I made a blue (...ish) version of the blotchy wedding flower thingy. Truthfully, the blothces are more violet or turqoise or teal or whatever that is you call that colour, but basically what it boils down to is in the blue colour family. Kind of like finches. Mostly the same birds, they just look different.
Anyhow, the whole line is now up and I'm halfway through the next one, so here are some blue(ish) flowers!

Monday 9 July 2012


Well hello there, blog. Long time no posting. There will be more of this sort of thing here in the near future, but for now, I just wanted to drop a line and some samples, informing that my new Wedding Store is now officially open.
Like all my other store, the angle is a little to the left so while you will certainly find things to more conservative tastes, there will be a large selection of unisex items and items specifically targeted at couples of varying sexes. In big, alternatively weird subjects.

But don't take my word for it, see for yourselves in the coming weeks/months.
Today, this is the very first line of items: Blotchy Flowers Red

Saturday 4 June 2011

Friday's Foreing Objects

The subject of ice cream must have completely slipped my mind for a few weeks there. I did promise a FFO filled with ice cream, didn't I? Well, here it is in all its refreshing glory to cool those hot and humid Summer days. For the best quality ice cream though, you should really try to make some yourself. Sure it takes a little time and effort and maybe some googling, but boy howdy is it worth it. And once you get going with home made ice cream, you'll have to try all the flavours with all the different recipes.

You can keep those recipes in check with a binder:

Ice cream on your feet!

Every fridge needs ice cream:

So do cats:

And bears. Apparently:

Possibly after all that sugar, it would be good to remind yourself of other foods too. Balanced diet, it's where it's at:

Liquorice for a change:

Of course you need a bag to carry all that ice cream home with:

So you can eat it while tweeting about how awesome chocolate ice cream is on your computer:

Just so you know, most animals like ice cream:

Sunday 29 May 2011

Friday's Foreing Objects

What do we have here this week? Pies. That's right: pies are the theme. Big ones, little one, apple pies, blueberry pies and pies with lots of birds on them. Not that I have a bias againts savoury pies, but for today our pies will be sweet. Now before we get to the pies, let me tell you just what totally confused me when looking for these lovely entries: the tagging. We've all heard about tag spamming and hey, it happens out of pure mistake to the best of us, but these here pies have been the most painfull category to wade through (if we're not counting "chocolate" since a lot of people like to describe colours with words like chocolate and berry and ocean, which naturally meant those categories having lots of brown, reddish and blue items with not a choccie or a puddle in sight, respectively) since I started doing FFOs. There was lots of pizza and even though it says so in the song, pizza is not a pie. Not anymore at least, thought it used to be. There were lots of dogs too, and children and doctors and naked ladies and fruit. And none of these were in a pie! As "pie" is not officially a colour, it does sort of go to point out how incredibly loose some of the tagging on Zazzle is.
So as a customer/contributor request: keep your tags sorted and relevant. Your products will be more easily found and you'll run a smaller risk of getting reported out of sheer annoyance. Thank you.
Now on with the pies!

Put one hanging from a tree!

Have pie on your shirt!

And of course you need a good binder to put all the pie recipes in:

Stamp some pie-lovin' on your mail!

You can enjoy pies with all the other delicious things you can make out of some flour and sugar and things that grow on trees and bushes with a calendar:

And definitely decorate your walls with pies:

Pie in the fridge (or on it) makes the day better:

Send non-squishable pies to friends!

And keep sweet treats next to your computer:

You can always be a little... hospitable with your pie too:

And you should remember pie even when you're just drinking some coffee:

Afterwards you can mess with everyone's heads by sticking pie-stickers everywhere and pretend they're real tiny little pies:

Sunday 22 May 2011

Friday's Foreing Objects

Have you been outside recently? I have. And even if that means some of these Friday posts come in late, I have to say I don't regret a thing. It's pretty spectacular outside. You could even say it's Summer. Damn near as one if it isn't. So with that being said, for the next few, brief, months most of these FFOs are probably going to be composed of subjects revolving around Summer. You can never have too much of it. Then again, Spring and Fall are kind of awesome too. And sometimes you miss a bit of snow. But Summer is really where it's at. It's got frogs in it. Yup, we're looking at frogs on Zazzle this week. Because frogs just don't get enough love. With all their hopping around they're pretty chill, really:

And they have big, chill families:

They do important work:

They also have remarkable taste:

coffee with those pickles? Don't mind if I do! :D

Sometimes they're up to no good:

..and sometimes you just lunge at your feet:

They dress very fancy for our iPad case:

They're a girl's best friend:

Did I already mention how chill they are? We could take a page from their book:

And sometimes one of them hits it big with the crowd and becomes a celebrity, scoring items all of his own:

Saturday 14 May 2011

Friday's Foreing Objects

So this week's subject for the objects if chocolate. It had to be. Chocolate just doesn't get enough attention. It's always with the "Oh, it's bad for you" or "Oh, it's good for you" but never "Oh, it's just the most delicious and versatile thing invented and look at how darn pretty it is!". I think that should be enough to make people pay attention to such a simple ting. After all, it's basically cocoa, sugar and milk. Three ingredients that create heaven on Earth. But the best things are always the simple ones, no?
Since Summer is basically here, next week's objects will be centered around ice cream! What do we do when we see ice cream? Well, eat it of course! ^_^
Now on with the chocolatey goodness!

Show everyone what the food group of champions is:

Keep chocolate on your mind when you're on the computer:

Chocolate for you walls:
/chocolate+posters?rf=238227556432280455">Chocolate Posters

Chocolate in the corner of your mail (as opposed to just smudging it with your chocolate-covered fingers):

Promote your business with chocolate:

Send a chocolatey reminder in the mail (and remember to keep the real chocolate to yourself):

Make little choccie chip cookie clusters on your fridge:

Keep a reminder in your pocket:

Skate on delicious hot chocolate:
Cocoa Bliss, skateboard skateboard
Cocoa Bliss, skateboard by kasei_lee
Buy skateboard decks at

Wear it on your feet with pride:

And every morning, remember that you need the perfect liquid to compliment all that delicious chocolate: