Friday 27 November 2009

Black Friday's Foreing Objects

Since it's (apparently) Black Friday, we'll have a theme to suit the mood: it's all black. In some very awesome way. Black is this season's.. um.. black. Totally.
On with the show!

Robot animals are not cute or cuddly. Robot animals will cut you up.

Cherries are cannibalistic: if you leave them lying around on top of each other, the strongest ones will leech the weaker ones dry...

No post is complete without some kitteh..

.. or if you're a purist about your colour schemes...

And since you really should be getting on with those Christmas gifts...

By the end of this post, I bet you're really craving for that light at the end of the tunnel. This is why Nikola Tesla is so awesome...

Thursday 26 November 2009

It's all in the tags

Oh yes, I do mean gift tags! Shun the people who see it fit to paste gluey stickers on gifts to indicate who they go to. Spare the paper! Go old fashioned and opt for ye goode olde gift tags. They look nice, wont fudge up the wrapping paper (or your fingers) and sometimes.. just sometimes, they're nice to hold on to.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Surviving technical difficulties

They were quite large, but nothing can keep me away from making seasonal gubbins for the store, so holiday designs are finally (after said computery technical difficulties that ate one computer, one hard drive and one CD-player) starting to flood the store.
Here's a little teaser for now, more soon to come and there's loads already up in the store - Heavy Metal Christmas:

Heavy Metal Christmas postcard
Heavy Metal Christmas by Boogybunny
Make your own customized postcards online at zazzle

Sunday 1 November 2009


I'm half way through the process of transporting the Flower Shop calendar images to other products (ok, 1/5 way, not really half way.. but I'm keeping positive hence the exaggeration). The really awesome thing about it is that once I'm done, the purdiest flowers can be had in prints! I'd get one for myself if life wasn't too expensive for me right now. Not that the prints would be expensive, it's just that my own personal ass is a wee bit broken right now.
I'm definitely getting the blue flowers on my wall once I have that place of my own.
See? It'll look so cool in my future work room:

Fire flowers card
Fire flowers by Boogybunny
card made at Zazzle