Saturday 4 June 2011

Friday's Foreing Objects

The subject of ice cream must have completely slipped my mind for a few weeks there. I did promise a FFO filled with ice cream, didn't I? Well, here it is in all its refreshing glory to cool those hot and humid Summer days. For the best quality ice cream though, you should really try to make some yourself. Sure it takes a little time and effort and maybe some googling, but boy howdy is it worth it. And once you get going with home made ice cream, you'll have to try all the flavours with all the different recipes.

You can keep those recipes in check with a binder:

Ice cream on your feet!

Every fridge needs ice cream:

So do cats:

And bears. Apparently:

Possibly after all that sugar, it would be good to remind yourself of other foods too. Balanced diet, it's where it's at:

Liquorice for a change:

Of course you need a bag to carry all that ice cream home with:

So you can eat it while tweeting about how awesome chocolate ice cream is on your computer:

Just so you know, most animals like ice cream: