Monday 14 March 2011

Friday's Foreing Objects

This Friday's theme is cats. Why? Because cats, like many other things, are either lucky or unlucky depending on the culture. If you ask a cat, they're always lucky and only unlucky to anyone foolish enough to cross them. They have 9 lives and that should tell you something about the wisdom of crossing a cat. They have time to wait. You don't.
They're also fairly selfsufficient, adorable and fluffy. Unless you're thinking about sphynx cats. But everyone knows they're the ninjas of cat world. Fur would just slow them down.
And above all: cats make for good company. And you make for a good surface for them to lay on. It's a win-win situation.

Cats are artisticaly inspiring:

And secretly organizing our world:
Great Leader Chairman Meow shirt
Great Leader Chairman Meow by obeythepurebreed
Browse other t-shirt designs made on

They fill our cuddling needs:

Come in all colours for easy accessorising:
Rainbow kittens! card
Rainbow kittens! by fionob
Shop for a greeting card on

They wear your clothes when you're not around...:

...and scare the people you invite over:

They also go to heaven, so if you think you're safe...

.. you're not:

Sunday 13 March 2011

New items and something technical

Let's get the technical stuff out of the way first and foremost. As some of you might have heard or noticed, Zazzle is doing some major home improvements on their sites. How does this affect the dear customer? It doesn't. Well, not as such. Nothing newfangled or particular or tricky is required from customers except for some patience. You see, what they're doing is making it easier for us shopkeepers (hence forward referred to as SKs) to take care of our businesses. They're unifying our SK accounts and making it easier for us to move images around. All this is swell, right? Yes, it is definitely swell more than anything, but as Zazzle is such a big site and everything being connected to everything, doing this sort of major overhaul on the sites (yes, all of them. This concerns all the mirror-sites in different languages also) is going to mess some things up and it'll take a bit to work out all the kinks. Think of it like a new Windows operating system, only with less hassle and more functionality. So when and if you visit any of the sites, some things might not work perfectly and it could take some days to get them up to perfect operating speed. But fear not, this is temporary and this is such a major operation that it's a small wonder they're getting by with as little trouble as they are.
If you're headed that way and searching for something particular from the marketplace and can't find it or get an error message, try again the next day.
Btw, this is why there's no FFO this week, because I'm having trouble using the marketplace myself. I'll post one as soon as I can get all the items picket out and linked.

As for the new items... welp, they're not really completely new, as I've had invitations in my store before (and still do), but I'm working my way through them to create alternative versions that have all the texts and placements all laid out for you. All you have to do is replace the example text with whatever dates and places and events you want and hey presto, you have a very, VERY, unique invitation all ready to be sent out.
This is what I have for you so far:

And there you have it! Blank invitations are of course still available if you prefer to pick out your own fonts and placements or just writing things out by hand. But I'll be going through all my designs and making these alternative versions for quicker customisation.

There's also going to be a post about some products you can purchase to both help out the Japan stunami victims AND spread awareness on the event.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Friday's Foreing Objects

Seeing as the grass is finally starting to grow, the days are almost bright and sunny and Spring is definitely (DEFINITELY!) coming on fast, I think we should collectively pat ourselves on the back for enticing green last week. It worked! Hurray for us! :D
So what comes with all that grass and life blossoming anew? Easter, that's what. Now I realise there's a good month (or two) until Easter, but you need to get ready, eh? Those cards are not going to write themselves or the chocolate disappear on it's own. Even the Easter bunny could probably use a hand pooping out all that candy seeing as how many people there are in the world. Not that I'm suggesting people should try and poop out anything and then feeding it to kids. Just that possibly getting some from the store might help the poor bunny out.
ANYhooo.... as you might have guessed, today's theme is Easter. Let the fluffy-ness begin!
Easter cards? Check!

Lil' Bunny Card card
Lil' Bunny Card by KawaiiParadise
Shop for a card with

T-shirt? Check!

easter dinosaur shirt
easter dinosaur by lemonstick
Browse other t-shirt designs made on

Shoes? Check!

And something for the wall to create the atmosphere? Check!

And you're all set for overdosing on chocolate and jelly beans!
Now let's be realistic for a moment: not everyone likes bunnies and chicks for their Easter just as not everyone celebrates it for spiritual reasons, so this was a general overview of non-religious items. Next time we'll go into more specific Easter themes and look for items to suit different perspectives on the holiday.

Thursday 3 March 2011

For the book-lovers

With all these new items flooding the blog (and the store!) this week, I think it would be healthy to take a quick breather and just look through some items that might have gone by with lesser examination in all this rush. What's the biggest single category in my store? Bookplates, no question about that. Ex libris is what I love. My grandpa used to have one of his own back when these were designed specifically per person and made out of little paper sheets that were then hand-glued carefully in the book. That was also when ex libris were done in black and white exclusively. What I've tried is to offer as many a different varieties in both colour AND subject for bookplates as possible. I know books and trees are traditional (hey, who doesn't like Tree Of Knowledge?) but the way to stand out is usually to go with something other than trees. So just as a quick look, here are some non-tree related bookplates.


Dew drops:


AND.. bookplates that are NOT round! :D

And since we're on the subject of books, I do have bookmarks as well. And they're pretty fancy too even if I do say so myself:

Flying piggy rackcard
Flying piggy by Boogybunny
Make rack cards at

The good thing about these bookmarks is that they come in sets of 25, so you can freely start to read at least 25 different books/magazines before you run out of things to stick between them. Genius! :D

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Time traveling

Well, what do you know. It's March already! Can you hear the Spring calling? Oh, it's coming and it's warming our bones and melting the snow and letting everything organic grow like.. organic things grow. Inorganic stuff rarely grows. At least I'd be bloody worried if it did on its own.
What else does Spring bring but warm and fuzzy feelings? It points out with the harsh daylight just how dusty and dirty and rundown everything has gotten. So it's Spring cleaning time!
(Better do it now before the actual Spring gets here, so you'll be ahead of the curve and can concentrate on something less dusty)
Because I've been Spring cleaning the store, I've noticed that a lot of the designs had been not used as effectively as they could have. This had to be rectified. So with that, I made a whole bunch of posters out of some designs that were already on sale as postcards and whatnot. These are but a few of the posters I mades for yous people:

Heaps more at the store! Just browse around and I'm sure you'll trip over more than two.
And now that we've visited the past it's time to visit the future by seeing what amazing things the future will be bringing more of...

Yes, binders! Hurrah for organising all those papers that you've been collecting all year round and spilling coffee/tea and doodling your little elephants on! No more spilling and no more doodling (once you get them in the binder that is). It's time to keep home office hardcore neat.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Corn, it's what's in our hearts

Corn is kind of like a Spring type of a vegetable, right? Right?! You're right, it's probably not. It's more like a Summer type of a vegetable. But it is good. And it's tasty no matter how you prepare it. You can eat it raw, you can grill it and dip it in butter, you can probably bake a mean casserole out of it, never mind making corn bread! There would be no popcorn without corn (that would just be pop and nowhere near as crunchy) and I'm not even gonna go into all the delicious baked goods and candies you can make out of corn. So in short; you should really love corn because it loves you back.
Hence why I made these raw vegan corn chips in a heart shape. And took a picture. Because corn is just that awesome.
Send some to a friend:
Corn heart postcard
Corn heart by Boogybunny
Get Postcard designs on

.. or wear it on your chest so everyone will know:
Corn heart button
Corn heart by Boogybunny
Try Zazzle's custom button maker

...or if you really, really love corn, you'll wear it close to your heart: