Monday 21 December 2009

Where there's honey...

.. there's spoons and bees. It's a fact. Bees.. um carry giant spoons so they can eat the honey. Uh hu. Totally. ^_^

Bees on your feet:
Leelee's bees kedsshoe
Leelee's bees by Boogybunny
Design your own shoes online with

Spoons on your fridge:

Saturday 19 December 2009

Friday's Foreing Objects

It's the last week before all the holiday hoopla totally takes over our lives and to get in the mood, nature has provided a lot of us with ample amounts of snow. It's not a proper Winter without some frostbites and icey roads. So today's theme is, naturally, snow:

Even the squirrels are at it.. snow, I mean....

Speaking of snowmen...

We need more snow!

..and a snow leopard? Does that count?

Just in case you were wondering what happens if you eat the nose..

Also, if you've been drinking way, WAY too much during the holidays and pee in the snow, this is what the snow will look like...
Red Dazzlers kedsshoe
Red Dazzlers by Minigeg
Make custom Keds shoes at

Saturday 12 December 2009

Friday's Foreing Objects

Hey kids, it's Friday again! I swear, someone must have stolen all the other days of the week, since I can't rememeber anything about them... and I haven't even been drinking. Honest. Er.. yes, so it's time for Friday's Foreing Objects and today's theme is blue. And where has blue ever been more blue-y than on Antarctica:

Or when you sing the blues...

... during an abstract Christmas...

Even birds turn blue! Could be all the fish though, I suppose...

And vines! But you can't really blame that on fish.. hmmm... I thought I was on to something there...
Blue Vine kedsshoe
Blue Vine by Beezazzler
Design your own customizable Keds shoes on zazzle

Oh well, mousepads are also blue. Simply on their own accord...

And there's always that down side if you get into the blue too heavily...

.. you might even end up becoming a necktie zombie! Beware!

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Finland on your feet

What with the holiday season, it's easy to forget training and just veg out. But what better way to train than wearing a train station on your feet! Ha! AH HA AHA HAH HA HAH HAH!

... The image in from Helsinki's central railway station in Finland, from the main hall. Yup, that is indeed a train station on the shoe.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Friday's Foreing Objects

Coming to you this week on Saturday! It's a special occasion. Really. Nothing to do with being late with posting this.
And since it's officially the first Friday of December, we'll have a holiday theme for today beginning with a slightly creepy lady staring at you through a window on the side of a lovely mug:

Some wintery paper products...

And something to warm your torso..

..and feet....

Friday 4 December 2009

'Tis the season

Elves about. Keeping track if you're naughty or nice. And somehow, everyone just accepts this and doesn't think it's creepy at all that someone is following you around where ever you go and looking in through your windows. Generally that's called stalking, and stalking in never cool, kids!
So that's why I made a design to warn people of this:

The bugger is, all those white snowflakes tend to disappear on white backgrounds, so there has to be a separate design for light coloured products to make them show up and as of writing this, that design is only halfway done. BUT here's a teaser of what it'll look like:

Holiday shoes coming up so keep checking back! :)

Friday 27 November 2009

Black Friday's Foreing Objects

Since it's (apparently) Black Friday, we'll have a theme to suit the mood: it's all black. In some very awesome way. Black is this season's.. um.. black. Totally.
On with the show!

Robot animals are not cute or cuddly. Robot animals will cut you up.

Cherries are cannibalistic: if you leave them lying around on top of each other, the strongest ones will leech the weaker ones dry...

No post is complete without some kitteh..

.. or if you're a purist about your colour schemes...

And since you really should be getting on with those Christmas gifts...

By the end of this post, I bet you're really craving for that light at the end of the tunnel. This is why Nikola Tesla is so awesome...

Thursday 26 November 2009

It's all in the tags

Oh yes, I do mean gift tags! Shun the people who see it fit to paste gluey stickers on gifts to indicate who they go to. Spare the paper! Go old fashioned and opt for ye goode olde gift tags. They look nice, wont fudge up the wrapping paper (or your fingers) and sometimes.. just sometimes, they're nice to hold on to.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Surviving technical difficulties

They were quite large, but nothing can keep me away from making seasonal gubbins for the store, so holiday designs are finally (after said computery technical difficulties that ate one computer, one hard drive and one CD-player) starting to flood the store.
Here's a little teaser for now, more soon to come and there's loads already up in the store - Heavy Metal Christmas:

Heavy Metal Christmas postcard
Heavy Metal Christmas by Boogybunny
Make your own customized postcards online at zazzle

Sunday 1 November 2009


I'm half way through the process of transporting the Flower Shop calendar images to other products (ok, 1/5 way, not really half way.. but I'm keeping positive hence the exaggeration). The really awesome thing about it is that once I'm done, the purdiest flowers can be had in prints! I'd get one for myself if life wasn't too expensive for me right now. Not that the prints would be expensive, it's just that my own personal ass is a wee bit broken right now.
I'm definitely getting the blue flowers on my wall once I have that place of my own.
See? It'll look so cool in my future work room:

Fire flowers card
Fire flowers by Boogybunny
card made at Zazzle

Saturday 31 October 2009

Friday's Foreing Objects

What's an FFO (Friday's Foreing Objects) you may ask yourself. There's a good chance yourself wont know before I tell it. Well, it's a Friday post that showcases some awesome art/design/creative pieces other people (ie. not me) have done. Eazy peazy really. The selection may vary from a single product to a hundred products - ok, that's not true, I probably wouldn't post a hundred at once since I do need sleep and all. But I would post more than two at once depending on what my digging yields. :)
And this week? Well, we better get on with the show, don't we?

Mooood swing card. If you're female, you know why I'd post this:

What unicorns are made of... essential knowledge for survival :D

Given how much I love animals this shouldn't come as a surpise:

And to round off this theme, the always awesome giraffe (who seems to have taken a shine on a tree):

Thursday 29 October 2009

Mah first calendar

The very very very first calendar I've ever made. If I remember correctly. I could be mistaken too... frankly, I wouldn't trust my brain further than I can throw it. Which might be some distance if I had the chance, but you know.. you rarely have the chance to do something like that with your own brain.
The calendar. Yes. It has flowers! W00t! So I visited a few local flower shops and asked them if they'd kindly let me photograph their stuff in exchange for some "publicity" (ie. getting credit for their products and services at the back of the calendar) and they agreed. And I can honestly say that the photos turned out ok. Moreover, I kinda like the calendar and the way it turned out. There shall be more of this sort. Really, there will be more flower calendars, BUT there'll also be one of cats and one of chocolate. I figured everyone should be reminded just how delicious chocolate is every day of the week, every month of the year, from now until the day they die.
I might possibly be enabling some choco-holics....

eh.. Calendar!

Uncle Vlad gone wild!

The first store category and the first ever design I created for commercial use.. is based on Dracula. Because I'm a cliché like that. Everyone loves to poke fun at dracula. No wait, actually, I think most people take him and vampires in general WAY too seriously. If they didn't, there probably wouldn't be a market for one or two (or three, depends on who you ask) ridiculously popular ongoing vampire franchises.
IMO, just because you're dead, or undead or need to eat your steaks really rare, it doesn't mean you automatically lose your sense of humour or stop talking like normal people.
Well, I guess if you used to be a vegetarian before turning vampire, the blood thing might drag you down a bit.
Anyhooo.. getting completely off topic. So I poked some fun at The Big Poppa of all vampires; Vlad Tepes. It just needed to happen.

Uncle Vlad's a playah shirt shirt
Uncle Vlad's a playah shirt by Boogybunny
Shop for shirts online at Zazzle